The Perfect Pout: 7 Ways to Get Rid of Chapped Lips Forever

Use these tips to banish chapped lips, from staying hydrated to exfoliating to following a lip-friendly diet.

Chapped lips (also known as cheilitis) are the last thing on your mind. But have no fear! In this guide, we've put together seven great tips to help you turn chapped lips into smooth, flaky pouts!

What causes chapped lips?

One of the main causes of chapped lips is a lack of moisture. Whether you're not drinking enough water or dry, cold weather is stripping you of moisture, your lips will suffer. Indoor heating and air conditioning systems can also contribute to this moisture-wicking effect.

Here's the problem -- licking your lips, while it may seem like a quick fix, can actually make things worse. Saliva evaporates quickly, drying out lips even more. Even some lip balms can be the culprit. Some lip products and toothpastes contain irritating ingredients that can cause chapped lips.

As if that wasn't dramatic enough, there's more: Sunburn can dry out your lips, and certain medications, like acne treatments or diuretics, can have the unfortunate side effect of causing dry lips.

1. Make Sure You Have Enough Fluids

Stay hydrated for plump, soft lips. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), men should aim for 101 fluid ounces (13 cups) per day, while women should aim for 74 fluid ounces (9 cups). Increased hydration is crucial when exercising or in hot weather, as it helps keep your lips moisturized and overall healthy. So grab that bottle of water and sip slowly until your lips are plump.

2. A Love of Lip Balm

Lip balm to the rescue! This trusty friend swoops in to form a protective fortress over your lips to save the day. Think of it as a force field against the elements, the wind, the cold, and everything in between.

But not just lip balm, oh no. It's best to go for a quality, non-irritating lip balm that's packed with nourishing ingredients.

Look for soothing and moisturizing ingredients such as:

  • Beeswax
  • Ceramides
  • Glycerin
  • Lanolin
  • Petroleum

By locking in moisture, lip balm protects your lips and ensures they remain irresistibly soft and hydrated.

3. Gently exfoliate

Sometimes your lips need a little TLC. Use a gentle exfoliator, your lips’ best friend, to find soft, kissable perfection.

By gently removing dead skin cells, you’ll reveal a fresh new layer underneath. This will make your lips smoother and allow lip balm and treatment products to work their magic more effectively.

4. Humidify your space

If your lips are stressed out by heating or air conditioning, it’s time to bring out the “big guns” – a humidifier.

This practical device humidifies the air to create a pleasant oasis for your lips. Say goodbye to desert atmospheres that dry out your lips! With a humidifier, your lips can finally relax and enjoy the moisture they crave.

5. Sun protection

Sun protection isn’t just for your skin – protect your lips too! Don’t overlook the importance of SPF in lip care. Using a lip balm with sunscreen is the secret weapon against those lurking UV rays that cause dryness and sunburn. Remember, it doesn’t take harsh sunlight to cause damage.

So make a habit of applying this SPF-infused lip balm before your outdoor adventure.

6. Moisturizing Mask

Who doesn’t love a good spa day? Well, your lips definitely do! Pamper them with a moisturizing lip mask designed specifically for your lips. Packed with nourishing ingredients and luxurious scents, the lip mask deeply moisturizes and regenerates your lips, leaving them softer, plumper, and kissable.

7. Nutrition Matters

Your diet plays a vital role in the health of your lips. It’s not just about satisfying your taste buds; it’s about taking care of your lips from the inside out. What you put into your body can significantly affect the health and appearance of your lips.

Choose foods rich in essential vitamins, especially the antioxidant vitamin E, which promotes a healthy pout. Add vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, and avocados to your plate.


With these tried-and-true tips, chapped lips are no longer a problem. From plenty of hydration to regular use of lip balm to a lip-friendly diet, you have everything you need to keep your lips soft and selfie-ready.

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